Served up fresh just for you! This week's collection of Breakfast Links is ready and waiting, offering our fav links of the week to other blogs, web sites, tumblrs, articles, and images, all gathered from around the Twitterverse.
• Victorian skirt lifter - or is it a dress holder? c. 1878
• Women playing soccer in 1880s: The Honeyballers, women who fought to play football in Scotland.
• Inside the crystal cave: enchanting 18th c. grotto at Painshill Park unveiled after year-long restoration.
• Recreated 16th-17th c. "banqueting stuffe" for a lavish table.
• The touching story of Mary Rand's pincushion: "Welcome little stranger...though the port is block't up 1774.)
• Golf and the Gilded Age at the Newport, RI Golf Club.
• St. Augustine's Tower, a 13th c. structure that has survived in the middle of London for over 600 years.
• Speaking of favorite teas - who was Earl Grey?
• Sir John Malcom and the diamonds at the court of the Shah of Persia, 1810.
• Manly slang from the 19th c.
• Love tokens: how to tell her you love her, in the style of a true Georgian gentleman.
• Early 19th c. schoolgirl maps.
• Why drunken women don't make good sweethearts, 1795.
• Bring on the shoulder pads: the culture of 1980s power dressing & the movie Working Girl.
• Radical rogues in the Regency period - revisiting a classic article & some dirty rotten scoundrels.
• Gender testing in antiquity.
• How original is this original source? Timothy Dwight's Journal of Madam Knight - 1704 or 1824?
• For the first day of autumn: 1953 photos of kids playing in the leaves.
• The extravagant Oak Room from the New River Company: 17th c. painted ceiling and Grinling Gibbons woodwork.
• Lt. Polhill of the 95th, profile from Our Heroes of the Crimea, 1855.
• On-line exhibition: Recipes for Domesticity: Cookery, Household Management, & the Notion of Expertise.
• Berengaria of Navarre, the long-suffering wife of Richard the Lionheart.
• T-shirt power: a short history of the man's white undershirt.
• More about the real Madame de Pompadour, the most powerful courtesan of her day.
• This 17th c. lady's vizard mask, worn to protect the face, was discovered hidden in the wall.
• The lost Whitney Mansion on Fifth Avenue in NYC saw its share of millionaire drama.
• Mournful creatures: animals, death, and animal grief.
• When did people start calling Revolutionary War General John Burgoyne "Gentleman Johnny"? Umm, early 1900s.
• What's for lunch? 18th c. recipe for favorite Georgian dish of pickled pork and pease pudding.
• How would you have died in 1810? Play this interactive game and risk dropsy, quinsy, consumption, and worms.
• Pineapples and earthquakes: a visit to 17th c. Jamaica with Hans Sloane.
• Revealed: the violent world of the young J.S. Bach, complete with gang warfare, bullying, sadism, and sodomy.
• Book go bang! A novelty book from 1910, with a cap pistol mechanism tucked inside the covers.
• Just for fun: the Oxford Dictionaries take on the lyrics of Led Zeppelin.
Hungry for more? Follow us on Twiter @2nerdyhistgirls for daily updates.
Laws Concerning Women in 1th-Century Georgia
4 months ago
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